Frequently Asked Questions!

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Where do you live?

I live in Holly Springs, North Carolina. I’m a North Carolina native having spent my first 18 years in Charlotte and then moved to Raleigh for college [Go Pack!]. I loved it so much, that I made it my permanent home...for now!

What was your inspiration for starting your blog?

My most prized possession is a handwritten cookbook gifted to me when I was 11 from my beloved Grandma Bette. I cherish all the family recipes and special notes she took the time to beautifully dictate and organize. Family history and sentimental heirlooms are absolutely priceless to me and I hope one day this blog will be a collection of my life experiences and knowledge that I can then pass along like my grandmother did!

How tall are you?

I’m 5’10” and crazy enough, I’m the runt of my family ☺

What is your favorite place you’ve traveled to?

I have so many countries and cities on my list to see still but there is just something so incredibly special and unique about Bora Bora. We had the chance to honeymoon there for 2 weeks and it was remarkable to experience!

How old are you?

I’m in my early thirties, born in December 1990

Where’s your favorite place to shop?

That’s easy…Amazon!!! And I don’t discriminate either, Amazon Prime, Amazon Now, Amazon Pantry and my current new obsession, Amazon Wardrobe!